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High Performance Active Sensei: Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy 

Sensei..."He who has gone before"

Thank you to all of our Senseis who continue to unselfishly donate their time and expertise.

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Chief Instructor / Sensei Mitchell Akira Kawasaki
(Original student of Sensei Masao Harry Kawasaki)
Sensei Mitchell, began Judo at the age of five.  He is currently ranked Kodokan Hachidan 8th Dan. Sensei Mitchell has held numerous positions within Judo's governing bodies including Vice-President of Judo Ontario, Technical Director for Judo Ontario, Ontario Provincial Black Belt Grading Board and National Black Belt Grading Board.  Sensei Mitchell has held the position of head coach for the Ontario Judo Team, National Paralympic Judo Coach and he has also been a headline Instructor at Camp Olympia.


Sensei Mitchell has held numerous Canadian Championship titles, not only in Judo but also in freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling and gymnastics; all talents which he employs while instructing Judo. Sensei Mitchell also competed in the 1976 Montreal Olympics in Greco-Roman Wrestling.  For the year 2000 he was awarded Coach of The Year (he coached both the female and male Athlete of The Year for the same year).


Sensei Kawasaki's educational background includes an Honours B.P.H.E. Degree from Lakehead University and N.C.C.P. Level 3 Coaching Certification.


Recognized as one of the leading Canadian Training Centres, Kawasaki Rendokan Dojo was also instrumental in bringing the 1993 World Judo Championships to Hamilton's Copps Coliseum.


Kawasaki Rendokan has been developing young athletes for over three generations.  While it is a very competitive club, it also caters to the family.  With several families participating together in both Senior and Junior classes.  We offer instruction for both the Olympic hopeful and the recreational player.


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Sensei Luis Bello Yondan (4th Dan)


Sensei Luis Bello is from Cuba where he was a high performance Coach. In Canada, he is NCCP Certified and one of Kawasaki Rendokan High Performance Coaches and Instructors.

Sensei Dimitri Kim


Sensei Dimitri Kim started Judo when he was 16 years old and got his black belt in 2009. Sensei Dimitri placed 2nd in the 2010 Junior National Championship for -60kg and placed 1st in 2013 Senior National Championships for -60kg.


Sensei Dimitri trained in Japan in 2010 at Tenri University for 2 months with a team of Olympic and World Champions and Medalist competitors and coaches. In 2011 he trained in Kazakhstan with their National team at their pre World Champions training camp. He came back to Japan in 2012 and stayed their for one and a half years working and training judo.


Sensei Dimitri also competed all around the world in places such as Jeju (Korea), Lisbon (Portugal), Miami (USA) and St. Petersburg (Russia).

Sensei Diego Sanchez


Full Bio Coming Soon...

Active Instructors

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Chief Instructor / Sensei Mitchell Akira Kawasaki
(Original student of Sensei Masao Harry Kawasaki)
Sensei Mitchell, began Judo at the age of five.  He is currently ranked Kodokan Hachidan 8th Dan. Sensei Mitchell has held numerous positions within Judo's governing bodies including Vice-President of Judo Ontario, Technical Director for Judo Ontario, Ontario Provincial Black Belt Grading Board and National Black Belt Grading Board.  Sensei Mitchell has held the position of head coach for the Ontario Judo Team, National Paralympic Judo Coach and he has also been a headline Instructor at Camp Olympia.


Sensei Mitchell has held numerous Canadian Championship titles, not only in Judo but also in freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling and gymnastics; all talents which he employs while instructing Judo. Sensei Mitchell also competed in the 1976 Montreal Olympics in Greco-Roman Wrestling.  For the year 2000 he was awarded Coach of The Year (he coached both the female and male Athlete of The Year for the same year).


Sensei Kawasaki's educational background includes an Honours B.P.H.E. Degree from Lakehead University and N.C.C.P. Level 3 Coaching Certification.


Recognized as one of the leading Canadian Training Centres, Kawasaki Rendokan Dojo was also instrumental in bringing the 1993 World Judo Championships to Hamilton's Copps Coliseum.


Kawasaki Rendokan has been developing young athletes for over three generations.  While it is a very competitive club, it also caters to the family.  With several families participating together in both Senior and Junior classes.  We offer instruction for both the Olympic hopeful and the recreational player.


Sensei Ron Hampson
(Original student of Sensei Masao Harry Kawasaki)


Sensei Ron Hampson started Judo in 1961 under Sensei Mitch's father Harry Kawasaki. Part of a Judo family with his Mom, sister and two brothers. Ron attained his Shodan in 1973, Nidan in 1978 and Sandan in 2013. During his competing days Sensei Ron was a member of Canada's National team, a local and Ontario Champion many times, National Champion in 1976, 1978 and 1979.


Sensei Ron followed Sensei Mitch to Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. During his time at Lakehead University, he was five time GPAC Champion, Male Athlete of the year in 1977 and Honour Athlete in 1979. After the Olympic boycott in 1980 Sensei Ron took time off to build his business and have a family.

Upon his return to Judo, Sensei Ron felt the need to give back to Kawasaki Rendokan. He enjoys his time instructing and coaching at Kawasaki Rendokan. He spends may weekends refereeing tournaments as a National C referee. Sensei Ron lives in Paris, is a Financial Planner with Freedom 55. Married to Fern and together they have four children and three granddaughters.

Sensei Al Melloh


Sensei Al Melloh started judo later in life. It was the turn of the Century 2000.


He started off watching his son, Erik, and after a short period of time with Sensei Kawasaki's endorsement began judo himself. His early instruction came under Senseis John Voss and Paul Kerilik. Al continued working with a lot of help from all the instructors trying to learn the spiritual as well as the physical philosophy of judo.


Al achived Shodan status in 2009 and is trying to give back by helping to instruct. Sensei Al and his wife, Kym have three children and two grandchildren.

Karate Belt

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Sensei Fred Sutherland 
(Original student of Sensei Masao Harry Kawasaki)


Sensei Dimitri Kim


Sensei Dimitri Kim started Judo when he was 16 years old and got his black belt in 2009. Sensei Dimitri placed 2nd in the 2010 Junior National Championship for -60kg and placed 1st in 2013 Senior National Championships for -60kg.


Sensei Dimitri trained in Japan in 2010 at Tenri University for 2 months with a team of Olympic and World Champions and Medalist competitors and coaches. In 2011 he trained in Kazakhstan with their National team at their pre World Champions training camp. He came back to Japan in 2012 and stayed their for one and a half years working and training judo.


Sensei Dimitri also competed all around the world in places such as Jeju (Korea), Lisbon (Portugal), Miami (USA) and St. Petersburg (Russia).

Sensei Diego Sanchez


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Karate Belt

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Sensei Stefanie Howorun West


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Karate Belt

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Sensei Carolina Kawasaki (Junior Instructor)

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Karate Belt

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Sensei Alaina McDonald


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Sensei Tom Bricker

Sensei Tom Bricker started judo in 1980 under Nancy Messervey at Burlington YMCA. In 1984 he moved to Sheridan Judo Club in Oakville where he was taught by Sensei Harry Scott. In 1990 he joined Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy.

Sensei Tom obtained rank of Shodan in 1988, Nidan in 1993, Sandan in 1999, Yondan in 2004 and Godan in October 2013.

Sensei Tom was a member of the Ontario Provincial Team in 1988, 1994, 1996, 2001 and 2002.

Highlights of his judo competitive career include winning gold medal at 1987 Ontario Winter Games, defeating British Air Force Judo Team during Shimbukan Tournament in 1996 and winning silver medal in 1999 World Master Championships in Welland, Ontario.

He is a National B Referee and had been an active referee for 20 years.

Sensei Tom lives in Burlington. He works as a welder at National Steel Car.

Sensei Mike Johnson
(Original student of Sensei Masao Harry Kawasaki)
  • Former number 2 ranked in the World

  • Pan Am Judo Champion

  • Youngest judoka in Canada to receive his blackbelt (Shodan)

  • Initially taught by Sensei Mas Ishibashi and Masao Harry Kawasaki

  • Started Judo at Hamilton Kodokan Judo Club 1957.

  • Head Instructor Masato Ishibashi; Co Instructor: Masao Kawasaki

  • Promoted to Junior Red belt (ikkyu) at age 13.

  • Won GOLD at Eastern Canadian Brown belt and under championships at age 14.

  • Promoted to Shodan Black belt at age 15.

  • Won Eastern Canadian Black Belt Championships in 1963.

  • Won Canadian Championship U80kg Toronto. 1963.

  • Won Canadian Championship U93kg Edmonton 1966

  • Won Canadian Championship U93kg Montreal 1967

  • Won Pan American Judo Championships (GOLD) July 31, 1967.  Winnipeg

  • Won SILVER MEDAL in World Good Will Games in Brazil.   1967.

  • During this tournament beat Brazil, France, and U.S.A.

  • Promoted to Yondan by Judo Canada by Batsugan.

  • Took charge as Chief Instructor at Ottawa Street Y in Hamilton Judo Club.

  • Awarded Outstanding Sports achievement award from then Premier William Davis.

  • Asked to be Chief Referee by Mas Takahashi at his Open Tournament.

  • Currently registered with Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy as an associate Instructor and mentor or sempai.  Practicing at least twice a week engaging in light randori both tachi waza and ne waza.

  • Current rank of Yondan (4th Degree Blackbelt.)  Received Kodokan Certificate date:  June 1976.

Karate Belt

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Sensei Patrick Bouvry


Full Bio Coming Soon...

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45 Hempstead Drive,

Hamilton, ON CANADA

L8W 2Y6

Tel: 905.512.8310



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Website Revised July 18, 2024                                  Website by: LFogan

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