CJCC Christmas Bazaar - December 3
The annual CJCC Christmas Bazaar will be held on Saturday December 3, 2016. We are urgently requesting volunteers from the Kawasaki...

Ajax Budokan Tournament Results
GOLD Medals Carolina Kawasaki Seniors -52kg Frank Mazzarro Masters over 70 Owen Angus Yamada -81kg (yellow/orange/green) Noah Dube U10...

8th IJF World Veteran Championships
Congratulations to Sensei Herman Vermeiren who won GOLD and is now the current WORLD CHAMPION!!!! Sensei Herman also won a special Gold...
2016 Quebec Open Tournament Results
SENIORS Diego Sanchez -60kg Participated Chris Sibbald -73kg Participated JUNIORS U21 Carolina Kawasaki -48kg 3rd Place BRONZE...
2016 Ontario Open Tournament Results
SENIORS Chris Sibbald -73kg BRONZE Medal Carolina Kawasaki -48kg BRONZE Medal Diego Sanchez -66kg 5th place Daniel Rincon -55kg ...
Sensei David Waterhouse presented Award
Renowned Scholar on Japanese Culture Presented with Consul-General’s Commendation...read more Congratulations to Sensei David Waterhouse...