Kano Jigoro

Masao Kawasaki

Chief Instructor / Sensei Mitchell Kawasaki

Kano Jigoro

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In Memoriam
This page is dedicated to celebrate the lives of our Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy members that we have lost.

Fiona McAlpine
In Memorial of FIONA Life-time member of Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy.
Fiona guided us through troubling times, she was compassionate and understanding, she was always helpful and non-confrontational, she was our "rock of Gilbraltar and the glue" that held us together as a team. She as mother to all, a friend to everyone.
Fiona was the stabilizing force that joined us in harmony both as a Judo Dojo and as members of the Canadian Japanese Culture Centre. Fiona had encouraging words for those who experienced difficulty before, during and after each practice.
She reminded us of paying our dues and remembering proper procedure. Her volunteer work was by the minute every day. For Sensei Kawasaki she was a best friend and assistant. Maintaining the pulse of Kawasaki Rendokan; Fiona was an inspiration for us all and she has shown us how we should treat one another. She also showed us to never give up and always to do your utmost. She was and always will be the spirit of Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy for those present and passed and lest we never forget our Motto: SHINKEN NARU DORYOKU. We must always strive to do our utmost. It must be ingrained in our DNA as members of Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy. Fiona brought with her the spirit that which my father encouraged in all of us. We thank the Lord for sharing Fiona with us for this short time.
Rest in Peace Fiona and may GOD bless.
Mr. Jim Corney
Honouring and Remembering Mr. Jim Corney.
Mr. Corney will be remembered as a Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy Lifetime supporter.
Mr. Corney and Mr. Powell (Ken Powell’s father. Ken is the Brad and Bryans father). They both worked together to help my father (Masao Kawasaki the founder of Rendokan 1958) to secure locations for the Dojo to practice. Some of our locations in Hamilton were. Hamilton Jewish Community Centre formerly on Sanford Avenue. The Ottawa Street YWCA, 1610 Barton Street East. This location was an emergency location and Mr. Corney was able to convince his friend who owned Pete’s Garage to allow us to us his display room as our Dojo. It was all glass and measured around 21’ x 18’ x 7’ high. We had to put 4x8 sheets of plywood up against the windows to protect them. I remember were training for Nationals and Wayne Erdman and Rainer Fischer came to visit from Kitchener. The year was 1970.
Canada Winter Games and Nationals. My father was in the hospital. Mr. Corney arranged our Club to participate in the Hamilton Walkathon. We wore our Judogis and walked. It was posted on the Hamilton Spectator. From Barton Street we moved to Kenilworth Avenue. Mr. Matijasic (Steve Matijevic’s father owned a building 221 Kenilworth Avenue. He rented us the main floor and the basement. This is when Mr. Corney took control and helped us to survive while I went to Lakehead University for 4 years. Mr. Corney managed to Dojo, and we continued to compete successfully at AM Can Challenge where we won the Senior Team Trophy for most points. I remember driving back from Thunder Bay and doing tumbling runs from one end of the Dojo to the end. The Dojo was made up of straw mats and it was about 120 feet long and 30 wide. We came back from the Budokan Tournament as Team Champions! If it weren’t for Mr. Corney’s willingness to manage the Dojo, we would most likely have stopped. Guys like Joe Sormaz, Kevin Corney, Terry Schneider, Doug Binkley, David Ide, Paul Kereliuk, Jerry Shaubel, Ron Angus, Bill Ratcliffe, Ron and Bob Hampson, Anne rose Becker, Ron McMeekin, Pat and Shawn Gibbon, the Bartlett brothers, Dan Block, Dave Skeets, Suzanne and Joanne, Patricia Sogan, Maureen, Jackie Misner, Mr. Misner, Mitch Hilton, wow, so many Judoka. Many of the Kodokan Judo Club joined the Rendokan around the late 60’s and early 70’s. From Kenilworth Avenue I was persuaded to join the Canadian Japanese Culture Centre at Onteora. We have been a part of the CJCC of Hamilton ever since. Thanks, and gratitude to Mr. Jim Corney.
Sensei Kawasaki.