Kano Jigoro

Masao Kawasaki

Chief Instructor / Sensei Mitchell Kawasaki

Kano Jigoro

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High Performance Kata Instructors
Sensei..."He who has gone before"
Thank you to all of our Senseis who continue to unselfishly donate their time and expertise.

Sensei Gosia Lampman (formerly Dzierzgowska Sandan)
Sensei Gosia started Judo in the fall of 1995 at the AZS UW Klub Judo (Warsaw, Poland) under Sensei Slawomir Pacholak. She represented the University of Warsaw in the 1999 Polish Universities Championships and the 1999 Polish Academic Championships. She was a member of AZS UW Judo Club until finishing her studies at the Warsaw University in 2001 when she immigrated to Canada.
In the fall of 2004 Sensei Gosia joined Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy where in 2009 she obtained the rank of Shodan and in 2012 the rank of Nidan. Beginning in 2008 she competed in various kata tournaments in Ju No Kata and Kodokan Goshin-Jutsu divisons. Highlights of her kata competitive career include the silver medal in Kodokan Goshin-Jutsu at the 2010 World Masters Competition, a bronze medal at the 2011 Canadian National Kata Championships and participation in the 2011 World Kata Championships in Frankfurt, Germany; all three with partner Sensei Mara Markovic-Siladi. In 2013 Sensei Gosia participated in the Canadian National Kata Championships where with her partner Alana Petszchler she took 5th place in Ju No Kata.
Since 2012 she has been involved in helping judokas in their preparation for their Mudansha and Yudansha examinations as well as instructing Kata.
She has NCCP Level 1 and Provincial Referee Level C Certifications.
Sensei Gosia lives in Ancaster and works as a Scientist for the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.

Chief Instructor / Sensei Mitchell Akira Kawasaki
(Original student of Sensei Masao Harry Kawasaki)
Sensei Mitchell, began Judo at the age of five. He is currently ranked Kodokan Hachidan 8th Dan. Sensei Mitchell has held numerous positions within Judo's governing bodies including Vice-President of Judo Ontario, Technical Director for Judo Ontario, Ontario Provincial Black Belt Grading Board and National Black Belt Grading Board. Sensei Mitchell has held the position of head coach for the Ontario Judo Team, National Paralympic Judo Coach and he has also been a headline Instructor at Camp Olympia.
Sensei Mitchell has held numerous Canadian Championship titles, not only in Judo but also in freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling and gymnastics; all talents which he employs while instructing Judo. Sensei Mitchell also competed in the 1976 Montreal Olympics in Greco-Roman Wrestling. For the year 2000 he was awarded Coach of The Year (he coached both the female and male Athlete of The Year for the same year).
Sensei Kawasaki's educational background includes an Honours B.P.H.E. Degree from Lakehead University and N.C.C.P. Level 3 Coaching Certification.
Recognized as one of the leading Canadian Training Centres, Kawasaki Rendokan Dojo was also instrumental in bringing the 1993 World Judo Championships to Hamilton's Copps Coliseum.
Kawasaki Rendokan has been developing young athletes for over three generations. While it is a very competitive club, it also caters to the family. With several families participating together in both Senior and Junior classes. We offer instruction for both the Olympic hopeful and the recreational player.

Sensei Dan Bird
Full Bio Coming Soon...